Maxwell Birth Announcement


Announce the birth of your new baby and share your pictures with this simple, quality printed announcement card.

Choose up to 5 photos for the collage on the back, or let it blank.

To order:
1. Select your desired amount of cards.
2. Type your baby’s info, photos, and any special requests in the box provided below.

3. Upload your photos.

4. Complete the purchase.

I will email you a proof of your card in 1-2 business days.
Cards will be shipped in 3-5 days after you confirm your final proof.

Size: 5×7    Cards will be printed on sturdy, matte cardstock.

White A7 envelopes are included.


  • *Send photos to [email protected] if photos fail to upload. *Tip: If the file fails to upload, try renaming it. Make sure there are no characters that aren't letters!Max file size: 900 MBPermitted file types: pdf

Product total

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Grand total

SKU: N/A Category:

10 – ($20.00), 25 – ($35.00), 50 – ($60.00), 75 – ($70.00), 100 – ($85.00), 125 – ($100.00), 150 – ($110.00), 175 – ($115.00), 200 – ($125.00)


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